Revolution by Orange
This is a videoclip of music "Revolution" by Orange. It's a theme song of Generator Rex.
Generator Rex,
Fusion Fall

カートゥーン・ネットワークのオンラインゲーム「Fusion Fall」はベン10をはじめとするカートゥーン・ネットワークのキャラクターと他のプレイヤーたちとともに宇宙を救うゲームです。うれしいことに今月から無料化されました!なので早速Unityをダウンロードしてアカウントをゲット(笑)

上のは私のFusion Fallでのアバターです。画面もきれいで良作だと思うのですが、データが果てしなく重いため頻繁にはプレイできないでしょう。
Fusion Fall,
Ben10 in Jail - Text version
I write explanation of my pictures "Ben10 in Jail".
Ben10 in Jail
On the day after Ben10 Alien Force - Final Battle, Ben Tennyson was captured by the armed forces by misunderstanding. Yeah, that's same as Ben10 Ultimate Alien sneak peak. He saved a life of a soldier, but they didn't understand that. And they were afraid of the boy who transformed himself into an alien. So they captured the innocent boy and put him prison. That's a terrible mistake.
Gwen Tennyson and Kevin Levin told the warden that Ben is innocent. But he didn't believe them. Unfortunately, Max Tennyson has gone half way across the galaxy to visit Pierce and other plumber kids in plumber's academy. So he couldn't help his grandson. Then Ben was forced to life as a prisoner. He missed his friends and smoothie.
The first day in the prison, Ben met Argit.
[At the dining hall]
Argit: Hey, you must be Ben10! What are you doing here? Prison tour?
Ben: No. I'm a prisoner.
Argit: Don't kid me! …Seriously?
Ben: *sigh*
Argit: No way, you are a hero! You saved the world!
Ben: And under arrest! Anyway, why are you here?
Argit: *laughs* "trading illegal technologies"!
Ben: *sight* I miss Mr. Smoothie.
Argit: Hey why are you so negative, dude? You have the ultimatrix! So let's get out from this miserable!
Ben: *show Argit his arm* You see? This arm cover is rocked. I cannot be any heroes.
Argit: tsk!
Off course, Gwen and Kevin was worry about Ben.
[At Kevin's garage]
Gwen: *turn off plumber batch* Grandpa Max will come back next week.
Kevin: Who cares, call Julie!
Gwen: Why? Are you thinking break Ben's cell by Ship?
Kevin: Yeah, may be…
Gwen: No! He never does anything illegal. So we must take a legal way.
Julie: *come into his garage* Gwen!
Gwen: Oh, Julie!
Julie: I heard about him! Hurry up, board Ship!
Gwen: Why? Are you thinking break Ben's cell by Ship?
Julie: No. We should break a whole jail.
Gwen: Julie, no!
[At the cell]
Kevin: *sneak in the prison* Ben…Ben…., are you there?
Argit: Hey, who's there?
Kevin: What, Argit!? Where's Ben?
Argit: He is under interrogation now. What's up, dude?
Kevin: I bring him a file.
Argit: Oh, yeah! We'll free!
Kevin: Not for you, Argit! Anyway,
Police: Hey, who's there?
Kevin: Oops, I gotta go! Make Ben free!
http://fav.me/d2o1q0g(Ben10 in Jail part2)
[At the cell]
Ben: Hey, where did you get a file?
Argit: Shh! (clapped his hand across Ben's mouth)
Ben and Argit started breaking his arm cover piece by piece when anyone hear their noise.
[At the cell]
Arget: Are you smoking?!
Ben: No, I'm just watching the flame of this cigarette.
Arget: Hey, What's up to the ocean!?
Ben: What do you mean?
Arget: You don't know I could watch sea from this cell. But now it has gone! Something happens there! And…is that a spaceship?
Ben: It's hero time.
That was caused by vilgax's return. He came back alive from the last battle. Then he was attacking Bellwood by his spaceship. That was the worst thing when Ben is in jail. But Ben and Argit succeeded breaking his arm cover. Then Ben joined Gwen and Kevin to beat Vilgax. Every soldiers and citizens could saw their fight and understood Ben is a good guy. So Ben has never put in jail after defeat Vilgax.
The End
Ben10 in Jail
On the day after Ben10 Alien Force - Final Battle, Ben Tennyson was captured by the armed forces by misunderstanding. Yeah, that's same as Ben10 Ultimate Alien sneak peak. He saved a life of a soldier, but they didn't understand that. And they were afraid of the boy who transformed himself into an alien. So they captured the innocent boy and put him prison. That's a terrible mistake.
Gwen Tennyson and Kevin Levin told the warden that Ben is innocent. But he didn't believe them. Unfortunately, Max Tennyson has gone half way across the galaxy to visit Pierce and other plumber kids in plumber's academy. So he couldn't help his grandson. Then Ben was forced to life as a prisoner. He missed his friends and smoothie.
The first day in the prison, Ben met Argit.
[At the dining hall]
Argit: Hey, you must be Ben10! What are you doing here? Prison tour?
Ben: No. I'm a prisoner.
Argit: Don't kid me! …Seriously?
Ben: *sigh*
Argit: No way, you are a hero! You saved the world!
Ben: And under arrest! Anyway, why are you here?
Argit: *laughs* "trading illegal technologies"!
Ben: *sight* I miss Mr. Smoothie.
Argit: Hey why are you so negative, dude? You have the ultimatrix! So let's get out from this miserable!
Ben: *show Argit his arm* You see? This arm cover is rocked. I cannot be any heroes.
Argit: tsk!
Off course, Gwen and Kevin was worry about Ben.
[At Kevin's garage]
Gwen: *turn off plumber batch* Grandpa Max will come back next week.
Kevin: Who cares, call Julie!
Gwen: Why? Are you thinking break Ben's cell by Ship?
Kevin: Yeah, may be…
Gwen: No! He never does anything illegal. So we must take a legal way.
Julie: *come into his garage* Gwen!
Gwen: Oh, Julie!
Julie: I heard about him! Hurry up, board Ship!
Gwen: Why? Are you thinking break Ben's cell by Ship?
Julie: No. We should break a whole jail.
Gwen: Julie, no!
[At the cell]
Kevin: *sneak in the prison* Ben…Ben…., are you there?
Argit: Hey, who's there?
Kevin: What, Argit!? Where's Ben?
Argit: He is under interrogation now. What's up, dude?
Kevin: I bring him a file.
Argit: Oh, yeah! We'll free!
Kevin: Not for you, Argit! Anyway,
Police: Hey, who's there?
Kevin: Oops, I gotta go! Make Ben free!
http://fav.me/d2o1q0g(Ben10 in Jail part2)
[At the cell]
Ben: Hey, where did you get a file?
Argit: Shh! (clapped his hand across Ben's mouth)
Ben and Argit started breaking his arm cover piece by piece when anyone hear their noise.
[At the cell]
Arget: Are you smoking?!
Ben: No, I'm just watching the flame of this cigarette.
Arget: Hey, What's up to the ocean!?
Ben: What do you mean?
Arget: You don't know I could watch sea from this cell. But now it has gone! Something happens there! And…is that a spaceship?
Ben: It's hero time.
That was caused by vilgax's return. He came back alive from the last battle. Then he was attacking Bellwood by his spaceship. That was the worst thing when Ben is in jail. But Ben and Argit succeeded breaking his arm cover. Then Ben joined Gwen and Kevin to beat Vilgax. Every soldiers and citizens could saw their fight and understood Ben is a good guy. So Ben has never put in jail after defeat Vilgax.
The End
Ben Tennyson in jail - Part1

I watched sneak peak of Ben10 Ultimate Alien. Ben is captured by kida U.S. armed forces!? So I start drawing Ben Tennyson as prisoner.
Doctor Holiday

Today, I drew Dr. Holiday from Generator Rex. She is a scientist for "Providence", a secret organization dedicated to capturing and deactivating Evos. She is usually seen wearing a lab coat, an orange top, and knee-high boots. I hope she know kinda Rex's secret.
Generator Rex,
April 11th was

April 11th was my birthday. My classmate gave me a figure of Evangelion! It's cool, isn't it?
By the way, did you realize my username "4eknight11" includes my birthday? Yeah, 4 and 11. I enjoyed making my username when I make account of Youtube in December 2008. Cuz I love kinda word association game.
1) 4 and 11 = my birthday, April 11th
2) 4eknight = forever knights from Ben10
3) k and 11 = Kevin11 from Ben10 (I like him )
4) 4e = forever「永(Naga)」
「永」 is a Kanji letter meaning forever or eternity. It's included in my real surname 永友(Nagatomo), see?
So that's why I'm 4eknight11!
1) 4 and 11 = 誕生日
2) 4eknight = ベン10の永久騎士団の略
3) k and 11 = ベン10のケビン11の略
4) 4e = forever「永(Naga)」、私の苗字の一字
By the way, did you realize my username "4eknight11" includes my birthday? Yeah, 4 and 11. I enjoyed making my username when I make account of Youtube in December 2008. Cuz I love kinda word association game.
1) 4 and 11 = my birthday, April 11th
2) 4eknight = forever knights from Ben10
3) k and 11 = Kevin11 from Ben10 (I like him )
4) 4e = forever「永(Naga)」
「永」 is a Kanji letter meaning forever or eternity. It's included in my real surname 永友(Nagatomo), see?
So that's why I'm 4eknight11!
1) 4 and 11 = 誕生日
2) 4eknight = ベン10の永久騎士団の略
3) k and 11 = ベン10のケビン11の略
4) 4e = forever「永(Naga)」、私の苗字の一字
If Ben is Akuma-kun

I drew Ben10 manga, "If Ben is Akuma-kun". It's parodey of Akuma-kun. akuma-kun is a famous japanese manga written by Sigeru Mizuki. It's the story about a great wizard kid called Akuma-kun. Akuma-kun beet villains with Mefisto and other demons. I love Akuma-kun, but I've not read them all yet. Trust me, it's enough exciting to read!
Cat and Story

Agent Six

Generator Rex,
投稿 (Atom)