I wanna revew my journal of deviantArt again!
Monsuno is popular in JP
- by *4eknight11, Nov 18, 2012, 12:17:39 AM
- Journals / Personal
Hi, my friends! How's going? I miss Generator Rex so much. I hope we can bring Rex back. So keep going!
Today, I wanna talk about Man of Action's another stuff, Monsuno.
I'm not sure how many kids buy the toys in Japan. But TV series become popular there little by little. Besides Japanese dubbed version is quite good, especially Noah! I mean Beyal. You know a few characters renamed in Japan. Jinja becomes Bicky, Beyal becomes Noah and Dax becomes Ash.
I uploaded a part of it.
The sooner you check it out the better. Maybe it'll be deleted by owner or I'll delete it before someone delete it.
BTW I wanna know why Chase and his pals eat Ramen? LOL
I guess Turtles eat Ramen either, right? The shop is named Murakami (村上). I'm not sure about the shop. Ramen is popular in USA? I'm just interested in why the tasty noodles which is popular in Japan appear in animated cartoon frequently.
Today, I wanna talk about Man of Action's another stuff, Monsuno.
I'm not sure how many kids buy the toys in Japan. But TV series become popular there little by little. Besides Japanese dubbed version is quite good, especially Noah! I mean Beyal. You know a few characters renamed in Japan. Jinja becomes Bicky, Beyal becomes Noah and Dax becomes Ash.
I uploaded a part of it.
The sooner you check it out the better. Maybe it'll be deleted by owner or I'll delete it before someone delete it.
BTW I wanna know why Chase and his pals eat Ramen? LOL
I guess Turtles eat Ramen either, right? The shop is named Murakami (村上). I'm not sure about the shop. Ramen is popular in USA? I'm just interested in why the tasty noodles which is popular in Japan appear in animated cartoon frequently.
- by *4eknight11, Oct 13, 2012, 1:14:02 AM
- Journals / Personal
Hi, my friends! How's going your project of saving Generator Rex? I hope your stuff will work good
BTW today, I upload 31 stuffs. Seriously, I upload 26 photos and 5 others. Cuz I went an aquarium, named Marine World yesterday and I took a lot of photos there.
Do you like an aquarium or kinda animals living in the water? I love aquarium! There are cute creatures like this.
BTW today, I upload 31 stuffs. Seriously, I upload 26 photos and 5 others. Cuz I went an aquarium, named Marine World yesterday and I took a lot of photos there.
Do you like an aquarium or kinda animals living in the water? I love aquarium! There are cute creatures like this.
Cute huh?
And my Japanese pal suggest me sell some stuff on deviantArt. So I start sell my photos. But I don't know selling Photos cuz I've never do here before. So could you tell me advice which I need start selling?
And if there are some stuff which I've not allow yet but you wanna buy, tell me that. I'm gonna allow you as soo as possible, except fan art.
Fan art doesn't belong exactly to me. Character licence always belong the author. So I've never ever buy them. OK?
These stuff you can buy. Please enjoy shopping.
And my Japanese pal suggest me sell some stuff on deviantArt. So I start sell my photos. But I don't know selling Photos cuz I've never do here before. So could you tell me advice which I need start selling?
And if there are some stuff which I've not allow yet but you wanna buy, tell me that. I'm gonna allow you as soo as possible, except fan art.
Fan art doesn't belong exactly to me. Character licence always belong the author. So I've never ever buy them. OK?
These stuff you can buy. Please enjoy shopping.
So excited about Ben10: omniverse
- by *4eknight11, Sep 19, 2012, 3:17:45 AM
- Journals / Personal
Don't worry my friends. I don't quit "Your Turn for Revolution" things. At this time, I just take a break. So keep going, Gen Rex savers!
Less than 5 days away from the premiere of Ben 10: Omniverse!!
Yahoo!! I cannot wait it!
I think the show is gonna be great!
But be careful about some rude people. I saw a few people saying "This is sub account of 4eknight11!" or using my stuff without my permission recently. I mean kinda phony and art thief. They're increasing just like when Generator Rex starts. Being excited about new show is OK. But don't lose consciousness. Rude action has never made good.
I have only two accounts 4eknight11 and chibibenplz on deviantArt.
when I make new account, I'm gonna write about it on deviantArt journal. And I'm not thinking make more sub account now. So if some strange account says "I'm 4eknight11!" or using my stuff without my permission, it's definitely a phony. Please let me notice when you find some strange people.
And if you got a trouble about them, you can count on me! My friends and I know some way to fix it.
It's hero time!
Less than 5 days away from the premiere of Ben 10: Omniverse!!
Yahoo!! I cannot wait it!
I think the show is gonna be great!
But be careful about some rude people. I saw a few people saying "This is sub account of 4eknight11!" or using my stuff without my permission recently. I mean kinda phony and art thief. They're increasing just like when Generator Rex starts. Being excited about new show is OK. But don't lose consciousness. Rude action has never made good.
I have only two accounts 4eknight11 and chibibenplz on deviantArt.
when I make new account, I'm gonna write about it on deviantArt journal. And I'm not thinking make more sub account now. So if some strange account says "I'm 4eknight11!" or using my stuff without my permission, it's definitely a phony. Please let me notice when you find some strange people.
And if you got a trouble about them, you can count on me! My friends and I know some way to fix it.
It's hero time!
Your Turn for Revolution 6
- by *4eknight11, Aug 25, 2012, 7:40:34 PM
- Journals / Personal
Long time no see, my friends! How's going?
Silverlady7 told me Mr. Derrick J Wyatt talked about Generator Rex, last month.
You know he is the guy designed Ben 10 new series! Awesoem!!
"Rating and sales. That's what action shows live on."
Yeah, he got a point! I agree with him.
CN cannot make animated cartoons without money.
Maybe, we must do fundraising like Save Symbionic Titan guys.
Their works are amazing!
I think we should learn what fans can from it and cooperate with it as CN pals.
Or maybe buy some Gen Rex stuff. I hope I'll buy DVDs.
But toys, I wanna more collectable toys than playable.
I mean high quality, so real and good detail expresses.
In Japan, there are a lot of collectable figures.
Seriously, I can buy some Evangelion figures at convenience store near by!
I hope Mattel make more new products like Ben 10 Hyper Alien Series of Bandai.
That's what I call collectable. The series is so weird and so real.
I've not buy yet but like it.
BTW I'm gonna buy my own smart phone tomorrow!
But I'm not sure about smart phone.
So if you've already had one, please tell me your fav applications.
If you don't have, please tell me some applications which you wanna use.
P.S. why this guy's showing my stuff as his? [link]
- by *4eknight11, Jul 3, 2012, 9:35:21 PM
- Journals / Personal
Hi, my friends! How's going? Working for Rex? Awesome!
Hey, who's going to Comic-Con next week? I know the whole crew of Man of Action goes.
Unfortunately, I cannot go there. Cuz you know, I live in Japan.
So if you go there, please ask them about Generator Rex and tell how much you love Rex!
Trust me, facing works much better than sending mail things.
BTW do you remember I wrote about Monsuno at last time?
Now I got more info about Japanese Monsuno.
There are some differences between US and JP.
The most difference which surprising me is character's name!
Jinja, Beyal and Dax got new name LOL
Jinja's Japanese name is Vicky.
Beyal's Japanese name is Noah.
Dax's Japanese name is Ash.
Weird huh? Noah(Beyal) reminds me Noah Nixon from Generator Rex LOL.
I don't know why they're changed. Which do you like JP or US?
And their voice actors revealed!
Chase: KENN
(Same voice as Jaden Yuki from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
Jinja(Vicky): Asami Noda
(Same voice as Cure Sunny from Smile PreCure!)
Bren: Chihiro Suzuki
(Same voice as Shun Kazami from Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
Beyal(Noah): Sachi Kokuryu
(Same voice as Fran from Reborn!)
Dax(Ash): Hiroshi Shimozaki
(Same voice as Tyranno Hassleberry from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
I think you like their voice, especially Beyal!
Check this video and song! [link] Cute voice huh?
Sachi Kokuryu is Japanese female actor, 27 years old. A 56 yeahs old male(I mean Kirk Thornton) and a 27 years old female are acting as same character!? That's funny.
Hey, who's going to Comic-Con next week? I know the whole crew of Man of Action goes.
Unfortunately, I cannot go there. Cuz you know, I live in Japan.
So if you go there, please ask them about Generator Rex and tell how much you love Rex!
Trust me, facing works much better than sending mail things.
BTW do you remember I wrote about Monsuno at last time?
Now I got more info about Japanese Monsuno.
There are some differences between US and JP.
The most difference which surprising me is character's name!
Jinja, Beyal and Dax got new name LOL
Jinja's Japanese name is Vicky.
Beyal's Japanese name is Noah.
Dax's Japanese name is Ash.
Weird huh? Noah(Beyal) reminds me Noah Nixon from Generator Rex LOL.
I don't know why they're changed. Which do you like JP or US?
And their voice actors revealed!
Chase: KENN
(Same voice as Jaden Yuki from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
Jinja(Vicky): Asami Noda
(Same voice as Cure Sunny from Smile PreCure!)
Bren: Chihiro Suzuki
(Same voice as Shun Kazami from Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
Beyal(Noah): Sachi Kokuryu
(Same voice as Fran from Reborn!)
Dax(Ash): Hiroshi Shimozaki
(Same voice as Tyranno Hassleberry from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
I think you like their voice, especially Beyal!
Check this video and song! [link] Cute voice huh?
Sachi Kokuryu is Japanese female actor, 27 years old. A 56 yeahs old male(I mean Kirk Thornton) and a 27 years old female are acting as same character!? That's funny.
Now I'm so excited! I cannot wait Oct.
- by *4eknight11, Jun 17, 2012, 11:04:51 PM
- Journals / Personal
Hi, my friends! How's going? Working for Rex? Good!
Today, I wanna tell you good news. In Oct, the awesome animated series named Monsuno is gonna start in Japan. Yay!
Monsuno is made by Man of Action Studio and some Japanese guys. Man of Action is the creator of Ben10 and Generator Rex as you know. And the show's director, Yoshiaki Okumura is creator of Beyblade. I love both MOA's and Okumura's. So I'm so excited. I cannot wait Oct!
BTW did you check the new dA's group of Generator Rex?
My friend Drybonesreborn built group for our revolution!

#BringBackGenRex [link]
"BringBackGenRex", good name for our revolution, isn't it? Please join it and cooperate with all fans. That's the way we success.
Now a lot of people sent messages to CN and got the groups in dA. But CN still keep silent about Gen Rex. I think it's time for new approach!
We must show CN how many people wanna season 4, strictly. Maybe, fan arts slideshow or kinda collage, not an usual one, hundreds, thousands, huge one!
I saw Japanese famous singer Yumi Matsutoya using some slideshow for her stage. She wanna sent message of people with her song and cheer up Fukushima's people hitten by earthquake, 3.11. The slideshow shows me many many videos and photos which people sing a song. That was so amazing! I can feel the people's love.
Maybe, we can do like that. Each fan draws a Rex's picture, posts dA group #BringBackGenRex, we mix it in slideshow together and show it CN and MOA. Cool, huh?
But I have something to worry about it, copyrights. I'm not welcome stolen stuffs and painting on paints. That's wrong way and including high risks. If a single picture infringes someone's copyright, whole stuffs are ruined. That's the worst vison of our future ever! So we need to make rules.
What do you think? Do you think it's gonna work? We need your help.
Today, I wanna tell you good news. In Oct, the awesome animated series named Monsuno is gonna start in Japan. Yay!
Monsuno is made by Man of Action Studio and some Japanese guys. Man of Action is the creator of Ben10 and Generator Rex as you know. And the show's director, Yoshiaki Okumura is creator of Beyblade. I love both MOA's and Okumura's. So I'm so excited. I cannot wait Oct!
BTW did you check the new dA's group of Generator Rex?
My friend Drybonesreborn built group for our revolution!
#BringBackGenRex [link]
"BringBackGenRex", good name for our revolution, isn't it? Please join it and cooperate with all fans. That's the way we success.
Now a lot of people sent messages to CN and got the groups in dA. But CN still keep silent about Gen Rex. I think it's time for new approach!
We must show CN how many people wanna season 4, strictly. Maybe, fan arts slideshow or kinda collage, not an usual one, hundreds, thousands, huge one!
I saw Japanese famous singer Yumi Matsutoya using some slideshow for her stage. She wanna sent message of people with her song and cheer up Fukushima's people hitten by earthquake, 3.11. The slideshow shows me many many videos and photos which people sing a song. That was so amazing! I can feel the people's love.
Maybe, we can do like that. Each fan draws a Rex's picture, posts dA group #BringBackGenRex, we mix it in slideshow together and show it CN and MOA. Cool, huh?
But I have something to worry about it, copyrights. I'm not welcome stolen stuffs and painting on paints. That's wrong way and including high risks. If a single picture infringes someone's copyright, whole stuffs are ruined. That's the worst vison of our future ever! So we need to make rules.
What do you think? Do you think it's gonna work? We need your help.
- by *4eknight11, May 17, 2012, 8:45:45 PM
- Journals / Personal
Hi, my friends, how's going? Working for Rex? Good!
I heard about some radical haters of Ben10: Omniverse.
Liking or hating are free. So if you don't like it, that's fine. But clamming CN, MOA studio or Derrick J. Wyatt and blaming with kinda radical words are not. That's a horrible thing. Stop do the unfair and uncool thing immediately. Ewww.
Think about it. What do we know about Ben10: Omniverse? Just saw a few pictures or watched a sneak peek? Oh-men, we are all amateurs about it.
I don't get that people hast themselves to evaluate. Blaming before watching is totally not fair. Just calm down and wait. Trust me, there's no problem if you wait.
And MOA chose Wyatt and MOA know what Wyatt making however busy they are. Why don't people trust your fav studio and give a chance, whatever it looks! Weird!
If you have some opinions, why you don't you suggest before blaming? Besides they got a lot messages and already knew about that with stress. If you love Ben10, think MOA is cool and stand by MOA, just say so without blaming.
CN, MOA studio, Wyatt, and Ben10 fans are not your enemy. Fans, stop clamming! We must unite and cooperate with them!
Besides, I like Omniverse.
BTW some friend said Rex needs new group, like Bring-Rex-Back club.
Is there already built, kinda group for bring Rex back? If there're not, I think we need. But I don't know how to built. Do you know that?
What do you think? Do you wanna build new group? If you think so, you can count on me.
I heard about some radical haters of Ben10: Omniverse.
Liking or hating are free. So if you don't like it, that's fine. But clamming CN, MOA studio or Derrick J. Wyatt and blaming with kinda radical words are not. That's a horrible thing. Stop do the unfair and uncool thing immediately. Ewww.
Think about it. What do we know about Ben10: Omniverse? Just saw a few pictures or watched a sneak peek? Oh-men, we are all amateurs about it.
I don't get that people hast themselves to evaluate. Blaming before watching is totally not fair. Just calm down and wait. Trust me, there's no problem if you wait.
And MOA chose Wyatt and MOA know what Wyatt making however busy they are. Why don't people trust your fav studio and give a chance, whatever it looks! Weird!
If you have some opinions, why you don't you suggest before blaming? Besides they got a lot messages and already knew about that with stress. If you love Ben10, think MOA is cool and stand by MOA, just say so without blaming.
CN, MOA studio, Wyatt, and Ben10 fans are not your enemy. Fans, stop clamming! We must unite and cooperate with them!
Besides, I like Omniverse.
BTW some friend said Rex needs new group, like Bring-Rex-Back club.
Is there already built, kinda group for bring Rex back? If there're not, I think we need. But I don't know how to built. Do you know that?
What do you think? Do you wanna build new group? If you think so, you can count on me.
Keep working for Rex! CN'll notice us.
- by *4eknight11, Apr 30, 2012, 6:03:48 PM
- Journals / Personal
Hi, my friends! How's goin? I'm kinda busy but I got a time for write this.
Do you remmember that I wrote about Generator Rex at the last time. Thanks for reading and sharing it! Now, I can see you what you guys do for Rex. I saw some pals share the info and my poster on deviantArt, twitter, facebook, blogger, tumblr or etc. You guys are awesome! Good work, agents!
But I think we need more works for Rex. We must make Cartoon Network realize that the show is cool and the world needs it. Maybe we should make more words and fan-arts. What do you think? Is there any idea for our Revolution? Let's do something!
Do you remmember that I wrote about Generator Rex at the last time. Thanks for reading and sharing it! Now, I can see you what you guys do for Rex. I saw some pals share the info and my poster on deviantArt, twitter, facebook, blogger, tumblr or etc. You guys are awesome! Good work, agents!
But I think we need more works for Rex. We must make Cartoon Network realize that the show is cool and the world needs it. Maybe we should make more words and fan-arts. What do you think? Is there any idea for our Revolution? Let's do something!
Hi, my friends! Thanks for your kind birth-day messages.
You know, the 60th episode of Generator Rex is "Endgame, Part 2". That's the last episode which Man of Action produced. So Generator Rex ended.
But Joe Kelly told me "We produced 60 episodes of Rex and would love to do more. Get all your friends to write @cartoonnetwork and help make it happen!".

You know, the 60th episode of Generator Rex is "Endgame, Part 2". That's the last episode which Man of Action produced. So Generator Rex ended.
But Joe Kelly told me "We produced 60 episodes of Rex and would love to do more. Get all your friends to write @cartoonnetwork and help make it happen!".

Then what are we waiting for? Sent Cartoon Network tweets and mails. Tell you want more Generator Rex.
And I drew kinda poster for this. I allow you to use both my poster and and my sentences.
Please share this information with your friends on your website, blog, twitter, facebook, whichever you have.
The last episode, Rex Salazar show us his Revolution. Now it's your turn!
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