March 17, I went to Suginoya(杉能舎) to study how to make Sake with my friends.
Suginoya is one of the Sake Factory of Fukuoka city.
Sake is produced by the multiple parallel fermentation of rice.
The Rice which is polished and milled is allowed to "rest" until it has absorbed enough moisture from the air. After this resting period, the rice is washed clean of the rice powder produced during milling and then steeped in water. Then after soaking, the rice is boiled in a large pot or steamed on a conveyor belt.
When I went there it's just resting. So I cannot see how to boil it. But I saw some ancient tools which are used to make sake and drunk some glasses of sake. I love Sake! LOL
〒819-0385 福岡市西区元岡1442
Tel 092-806-1186
9:00~18:00(定休日は元旦のみ) ※酒蔵見学も可