I must revew my two journals of deviantArt.
Your favorite power of Rex(一番かっこいいレックスのパワー)
Fri Nov 19, 2010, 5:54 AMToday, my classmate caught a cold. I guess that's not flu, but I'm worry about her. Be careful about kinda germs or flu, my friends!
BTW November 13, I drew the picture, Bubblehead Providence. Did you see that? [link]
Now I plan to drew more of them. Then I need your oppinion.
Which Rex's machine or character must I drew?
Yeah, Rex has cool stuffs!
Smackhands, Slam Cannon, The BFS, Boogie Pack, The Rex Ride and Punk Busters! Awesome!
Please tell me your favorite power of Rex or character of the show, Generator Rex.
I'm not sure how many I can draw but I hope I'll try.
Agent Six's Tanto(短刀)
Sat Nov 20, 2010, 3:38 AM
In the episode 19, Agent Six talks Rex about Tantou(短刀).
Rex: Wow, Six, Thank you!
Six: It's called the "Tanto". It's ceremonial blade of Samurai Warrior.
Rex: Samurai, awesome!
Six: This is that twin.
Rex: Is that writing?
Six: Bushi-do is symbol of loyalty. It means whether for good or ill, our fates fallow the same path. This one stays with me.
Rex: Think this thing cut Holiday's chocolate cake?
Six: Everything is possible.
I'm not sure there are misspelled words, but who cares LOL
Anyway, why does he know about Tanto and Samurai? Is he a Japanese either? Or he has trained himself there. LOL Actually, there is a Tanto in Japan. So I talke about a bit of it.
Tanto is a blade, the length between about 15~ 30 cm. If it's longer, it's must be a Katana or other stuff. I guess Six's Tanto is about 30 cm with a single edged.
Sometimes Tanto is called Kaiken(懐剣). Worriors put it inside his kimono or obi. And the ancient Japanese people thought Tanto is the soul of Bushi.
I have never heard the part, "Bushi-do is symbol of loyalty. It means wether for good or ill, our fates fallow the same path.".
Is that Six's original sentence or kinda proverb? Anyway he is right, loyalty is important to Bushido.
And some period, ancient Japanese people gave a grown-up son it. So I guess Six think Rex grew up enough to get it.
And Tanto is not only for Bushi. It's used at the Japanese oldfashion wedding. A bride wearing Kimono put it. It simbolize that woman's determination that if she betrays her husband, she will stab herself. And sometimes it is used for exorcism.
That's all I know about Tanto. That's cool huh?
I still need you opinion about Bubblehead [link]
Which Rex's machine or character must I drew next?