
Green Lantern First Fight

I watched "Green Lantern First Fight"(2009). That's amazing, people can see what Green Lantern is and what a human can kinda magnificent thing! So I drew a picture of Green Lantern by the same way of 「Batman: Under the Red Hood」 .
やっと「Green Lantern First Fight」(2009)見ました。絵は主人公のハル・ジョーダン、描き方は前回の「Batman: Under the Red Hood」と同じです。



前回書いた"Batman: Under the Red Hood"(2010)ほど暗くなく、ごちゃごちゃした伏線があるというわけではありませんが、「グリーンランタンって何?」がすごくよく分かる作品です。また、地球人だからといってグリーンランタン・コーズではあまり相手にされないハルが指輪なしで宇宙人を倒すシーンは迫力があり、爽快です。また、指輪から発せられるエネルギーの形を次々に変えて戦う戦闘方もグリーンランタンならでわ。これじゃあファンが多くて当然ですね(笑)


  In brightest day, in blackest night,
  No evil shall escape my sight
  Let those who worship evil's might,
  Beware my power... Green Lantern's light


Soft Bank Hawks win the league

Conglaturation, Soft Bank Hawks! My local baseball team wins the league, yeah!
And Happy 12th birthday, Google!








パラレルワールドに着いたドクターは自分の分身であるもう一人のドクターにローズを託し、ドナを連れ もとの世界へ。ローズ愛されすぎw手の人とお幸せにw









そもそも、「ドクター・フー」とは1963年からイギリスBBCで放映されているSFテレビドラマシリーズ。 アメリカの「スタート・トレック」が空想科学一筋なら、「ドクター・フー」は空想科学とヨーロッパ史の二刀流。宇宙旅行とタイムトラベル(主にイギリス)が一遍に楽しめる作品です。




ん゛ん゛んっ!長くなりそうだからひとまずカット。 ドクターとローズのその後へ続く≫


ありがとう 「ゲゲゲの女房」最終回


上は最近描いた4期松岡鬼太郎と西村猫ちゃん。 結局ドラマでは悪魔くん実写、ゲゲゲ3期までしか登場しませんでしたが、私的には大満足です!

夫婦の貧乏時代も、漫画家として活躍する時代も登場人物の個性とやさしさが毎朝見ていて心地よかったです。 また、悪魔くんや鬼太郎など人気水木作品の登場、ラーメンズのもじゃもじゃ片桐仁さん演じる貧乏神、木曜日は「はなまるマーケット」と「ゲゲゲの女房」とでギャップがすごかった杉浦太陽さんのイタチ(浦木克夫)、毎日見どころ満載でした。

ありがとう、水木夫婦。 6期ゲゲゲの鬼太郎期待してます。





なにが嬉しいって、この二人組!戸田くんが松岡くんを連れてやって来ましたよ! しかも声優は昔のまま!


あっちこっちのサイトで松岡くんが一番年上だったり身長高く描いてあるのはこの影響だったのでしょうか?それにしても鬼太郎の歴史を感じる一場面ですね。 みんなゲタ吉みたいになっちゃだめですよw



Dr. Holiday bathing in the sea

LOL in the new episode, Rex blushed when Doctor. Holiday hugs him. What a cute boy! This time, he missed a chance of the eating dinner with her. But don't be disappointed, Rex. I got a hot picture for you! I drew Dr. Holiday with Breach waring swimming suit.
ジェネレーター・レックスのDr. ホリデーさんの絵を描きました。というより、よい大人に水着を着せました。ノアによると彼女は20代後半、キム・ポッシブルのシーゴー姉さんあたりが近いイメージでしょうか?


まあ、左よりのよりいいよね、って結局描いちゃいました。スク水のブリーチさん。Van Kleissにお持ち帰りされるのでしょうか(笑)



After the happening

I got new cellphone. I wanted the type of cellphone with degital camera just like this, 12.2 mega pixels. Cool, huh?
携帯買い換えました!最近は公衆電話も限られたエリアにしかないので携帯なしだとやっぱり不便です。さっそくGenerator Rexの待ち受け!この機種にしたのは12.2メガピクセルのカメラと機種変更に対する値引きという2つの利点があったから。色はずいぶん迷いましたがやっぱり赤と黒のフォームが魅力的だったので(レックス色ですよ!)。ブロガーにはメール投稿機能もあるのでこれからどんどん活用してゆこうと思います。



ゲームの舞台はプーチンやキレネンコのいた監獄。自分のアバター(ウサギ)を立派な囚人に育てるという育成ゲーです。my MTVの無料会員になることでプレイできます。プレイは無料!

自分のウサギの着せ替えや部屋の模様替えができるので個性を存分にアピールできます。ブランド「LIZ LISA doll」の服が着せられるというのもMTVならでは。



名前:ナイト 番号:056-505 収監:60日目 レベル:26 

ついでに㊙情報!部屋には時々オカマヒヨコのコマネチがあそびに 来ます。あと、my監獄の「いじる」機能でまれにトイレ魚釣りができるので要チェック!





「ディズニーチャンネル on モバイル」(月額制)

カートゥーン ネットワーク系
CNと言ったらこの2つ、カートゥーン モバイルとカートゥーン モバイルTVでしょう。カートゥーン モバイルはCNの放送予定、番組紹介、お知らせ、絵文字、デコメテンプレート、待ち受けなどが見られるサイト。カートゥーン モバイルTVはカートゥーン モバイルの一部で主に動画を配信しているサイトです。

あと、タグで検索 [パワーパフガールズ] :: 携帯ソーシャルブックマークではPPGの着せ替えを探せるようです。

「カートゥーン モバイルTV」(月額制)
選んだ理由はひとつ!絵文字が多いから!カートゥーン モバイルだけの加入でも絵文字はもらえるのですがはっきり言って絵文字の量とキャラが少ないんですよ。

カートゥーン モバイル
・おくびょうなカーレッジくん: カーレッジくん(1件)
・デクスターズ ラボ: デクスター(1件)
・ビリー&マンディ: ビリー(1件)、マンディー(1件)、グリム(1件)
・フォスターズ・ホーム: ブルー(1件)

カートゥーン モバイルTV
・おくびょうなカーレッジくん: カーレッジくん(3件)
・デクスターズ ラボ: デクスター(3件)
・ビリー&マンディ: ビリー(3件)、マンディー(3件)、グリム(3件)
・ハイ!ハイ!パフィー・アミユミ: アミ→ユミ→HiHiのロゴ(1件)
・パワーパフガールズ: ブロッサム(1件)、バブルス(1件)、バターカップ(1件)
・フォスターズ・ホーム: ブルー(4件)、マック(1件)
・ベン10: XLR8(1件)
・ベン10エーリアンフォース: ベン・テニスン(1件)

ベン10がいるよ!ベン10がいるよ!(o´∀`o)/ 今後もっとキャラが増えることを期待!

ニコロデオンの携帯コンテンツってスポンジ・ボブだけだと思っていませんか?なんとMTV Mobileでは日本のウサビッチやニコロデオンのスポンジ・ボブに加えラグラッツやフェアリーペアレンツ、ドーラなどのデコメテンプレート&絵文字がゲットできるんです。

「MTV Mobile」(月額制)





誤字じゃありませんよ、画像を扱うのにExcelを使うのって意外でした?Office2002までのMicrosoft Photo Editorも透明にする効果があったようですが最近のWindowsについている画像関係のソフトはこの機能がないようです。



②Microsoft Office Excelに画像を取り込む。







確かめたい方は一旦パソコンに保存してMicrosoft Office Picture Managerなんかで開くと確認できます。



The end of the happening




↓新しい携帯にでもつけようかな ♪

あと、スカポン太さんからの情報で今 缶コーヒーのボスのおまけが映画版のバットモービルということだったので、買ってみました。

←ちなみに今回は「バットマン&ロビン mr.フリーズの逆襲」版



通常ブロガーの[B]アイコンが表示される場所にTouch the Planetオリジナルのロケットアイコンがw



Favicon form Picsで画像を拡張子.ico(32×32または16×16)に変換する

③Google pagesなど拡張子.icoの画像を.icoのままアップロードできるサイトに画像をアップロードする

④ブロガーのデザイン HTML の編集でコード<head>の後(</head>の前)に以下のコードを追加する








そういえば、今日って「赤塚不二夫生誕75年」の日なんですね!いつも楽しいグーグルのトップがカワイイことになってました。Let's Go!⇉

Giga Brian in the Future

I drew my OC Giga Brian's pictures.
The first one is "On Larner's desk", there are some photos and documents on Mr. Larner's desk.
I wanna show you how they look in their shildhood and how close Brian is to his father.
The second one is "Giga Brian in the future", I wanna show you how they look in the future.
Then last one is "BG gossip", if Brian saves his dad, Yukari stays in America, Their rock band becomes popular and they fall in love it gonna be happened.
Anyway, why I hurry myself? I've not finished the kids' story yet! LOL

今回の絵はオリジナルのGiga Brianの絵です。前々から主人公Brianの父親のデザインを考えていたのですが、

1枚目はMr. Larnerのオフィス机の上をイメージして描きました。書類に紛れ込んだ6歳のBrianたちの写真を見ることができます。



最近印象に残っているMTVゴシップはRihannaのタトゥーの話。フランス語で「rebelle fleur(反逆的な)(花)」って首に彫っちゃったけど、フランス語の正しい文法では名詞+形容詞「fleur rebelle」。このためフランスの方々は大爆笑。(Rihanna自身は名詞+名詞「rebelle」と「fleur」って言ってたけれど。)Eminemと「Love the way you lie」を出したばかりだったから余計私の脳裏に残ったんでしょうね。

deviantArtでもよく日本人の読めない日本語を見かけるけど、タトゥーは体に残るものだから気をつけねばと思います。特に海外は誕生日とかデートのついでにかるくタトゥー・ショップに行くようなのでなおさらですね。スケーターのRob Dyrdekも誕生日タトゥー入れる直前に「Ramp(傾斜)」の綴りが分からなくて右往左往してような…。「Rump(尻)」にしたら最悪だったでしょうね(笑)


Batman: Under the Red Hood

I saw Batman: Under the Red Hood. Is it so violent but I think it's so cool.
ネットで「Green Lantern: First Fight」(2009)を探していたら、思わぬところで「Batman: Under the Red Hood」(2010)が見れました。うpする順序逆じゃん(笑)

「Batman: Under the Red Hood」はバットマンと彼の弟子である2番目のロビン(本名:ジェイソン・トッド)の話。wikiによると現在5人目のロビンがいるらしいです!やっぱりバットマンは教育熱心!

生き返った後、彼が赤いマスクをかぶってなった悪者の名が、タイトルにもある「Red Hood」なのです。


今回の絵はロビン時代のジェイソンとRed Hoodのトレス。いずれ他の作品も見れたら描きたいです。あと、個人的に「Batman the Future (Batman Beyond)」とかもまた映画化して欲しいです。時代は新しいけれど、リアルタイムで見た記憶がある作品のひとつだから。



Hakata port tower

Hakata Port Tower by ~4eknight11 on deviantART

I went to Hakata port tower. I love hakata port. Cuz there is the biggest shop of music box in fukuoka. It's a really good place where I can be relaxed. But I cannot understand one thing why it's always bad weather when I go to seaside of fukuoka. XD

博多ポートタワーに行って来ました。ポートタワーはタワーがあるので有名ですが、私が一番好きなのは博多オルゴール堂。 いろんな素材でできたオルゴールがずらりと並んで輝いている中でオルゴールの調のBGMが流れると、もうそれだけで別世界にいるみたいにリラックスできます。

ただ、いつも疑問に思うのですが、どうして私が海周辺を写真に撮ろうとするといつも天気が悪くなるんでしょう? 例)福岡タワー

How to draw Ben10

I upload my way to draw Ben Tennyson.


I drew my OC Giga Brian's Brian, Mr. Larner and villains of TERA.
今回はオリジナルのGiga BrianのBrian, Mr. Larnerと悪役2人を描きました。近いうちに次のエピソードも文字に起こそうと思います。

GB ep1 - One matter brings a lot -

I write the first episode of Giga Brian.
オリジナルの「Giga Brian」第一話。(日本語はいずれ)

Giga Brian Episode01
by ~4eknight11

Giga Brian Episode01 - One matter brings a lot – part1/2

Hi, I'm Brian. I'm a 12 years old blond free guitarist… I mean an amateur, but I totally love music. My mom is a hairdresser. And my dad is a machine designer. He always designs cool stuff, like the uPod. It is the coolest mp3 player ever. I'm proud of his work. And his design is the best to use. So he is sometimes requested to design kinda practical stuff. That's not so much fashionable, but I think it's cool either.

□■  1  ■□
Brian is eating dinner with his mother at his home in the evening.

Brian: Hey, mom, where's dad?
Mandy: He hasn't come back yet. I guess he is still working in his office. He is pressed for time for his latest project.
Brian: Huh, you mean "uPad"? It's going to be released on Christmas! Why does he so hast?
Mandy: He said uPad is not a simple technology like an mp3 player. So he needs much time for it. By the way, Sweetie, how's your project going?
Brian: Quite good. Alan upload my video on ITube. I hope someone will give comments about my guitar skill.
Mandy: Sweet!
Brian: And I wanna take pics for MeSpace tomorrow. Where's digital camera, anyway?
Mandy: Oh, I returned it in your daddy's room yesterday.
Brian: Ok, I'll check out.

□■  2  ■□
Brian is in his father's room and look for his father's camera alone after dinner. There are some documents, plans and tool to draw plans on his father's desk.

Brian: There you are, Camera! Huh, what is this?

He holds the strange stuff like an mp3 player.

Brian: Is this new type uPod? Or may be uPad? Naah, it cannot be. He said uPad is much bigger than this. This is so weird.

He returns it on his father's desk. He picks up his father's camera and leaves the strange stuff in his father's room. He doesn't notice the strange stuff walks by itself and follows him.

□■  3  ■□
Brian is chatting with Alan on internet in his room at the midnight.

- PC Screen -
GB: hey, al. i saw your channel on itube. it's awesome! our video got 105 views in first one night 8D
AL: thanx. but it's just beginning. we must upload more songs. btw do you get a camera?
GB: yeah, let's work tomorrow after school.
AL: cool, see ya, great brian!
GB: ok, good night dude!

Brian shuts down his PC and goes to bed. He sleeps quite peace. Then the strange stuff sneaks in his room. It reboots his PC and down load something. After that, it sneaks in his backpack.

□■  4  ■□
Brian is talking with Alan in his school.

Brian: I'm worry about my dad. He did not show up last night. It has never happened before. He needs rest. Anyway, I got his camera. Then you're ready for it?
Alan: Oh yeah, and Mike and Chris join in.
Brian: Sweet! So where will we begin?
Alan: I recommend you the ramp. It must be a perfect place for it… By the way, are you carrying some animal in it?

Brian checks his backpack out. And he finds the strange stuff in his backpack.

Brian: What? No way! It's dad's stuff! Oh, my god! I promised never ever bring out his stuff! How did it get in!?
Alan: Is it uPad?
Brian: I'm not sure. Hey Al, please keep it secret between us, ok?
Alan: Absolutely. Besides, You ask him to fix my uPod last month. I never spread it out.
Brian: Thanks!
Alan: No problem, dude.

□■  5  ■□
Brian is taken his pictures on the ramp by his friends.

Brian: Taking photos on my favorite ramp, this is awesome!
Mike: Yeah!
Chris: Told ya!
Alan: And I got many pictures to use our next slideshow.
Senior 1: Hey, stop skateboarding here! This is our ramp!
Senior 2: Oh yeah, Babies skate lesson is over! Get out from here!

Some senior students come to them.

Alan: No way, you guys have already had your ramp on East side. Besides we are not skating today.
Brian: So leave us alone!
Senior 1: Shut your mouth, rouser!

Senior 1 tries to punch Brian's face. But he cannot. Some sparkling thing verges in them. It's the strange stuff from Brian's backpack. Then Senior 1 gets an electric shock. So they run away from the ramp.

Senior 1: Oh, my god, he holds a stun gun!
Senior 2: F*ck you, Son of a bitch!
Brian: Oh, my god!
Alan: What a hell is that!? Are you all right?
Brian: Yeah, I hope so… But this thing is so sketchy!
Alan: Yeah, dude. It has shorted, I guess.

□■  6  ■□
Brian is walking on his way home. An Asian girl wearing a school uniform and having suit case stops to talk him.

Yukari: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the North 9th street. I must get to Mr. Ryan's home, Steve Ryan.
Brian: Yeah sure, that's my house!
Yukari: That's so sweet! Thank you. I'm Yukari Himeno, please to meet you. So you must be Brian, aren't you?
Brian: Yeah, Then… you must know my dad, right?
Yukari: Yes. Your father is a great designer. My father, he is a scientist in Japan, has worked with your father at once. He so appreciates your father's work.
Brian: Oh, so you are from Japan? Great, I love Japanese manga, Ninja Rider. Do you know that?
Yukari: Wow, Is it popular in America?

Bang!!!! There is something brows up at the corner of the street.

□■  7  ■□
Brian and Yukari see the building brows up at the corner from the street. And some robots for cleaning office act violently cuz kinda malfunction. There are billows of smoke.

Brian: What a hell is that!? Plain clashed?
Yukari: No, it's them! Robots!
Brian: No way, that cannot be! Those are just cleaning robots, not doomsday device! What's going on here?

Police officers arrive here. Some of them have megaphone and others have a gun.

Police officer 1: Move move move! All people get out from here! The robots lose their control!
Woman 1: Oh, my gosh! My husband is in the building! Someone help him!
Woman 2: SCREAM!!!
Brian: What should I do!?
Yukari: Do you have a "マイク"?
Brian: What?
Yukari: Microphone, do you have?
Brian: No!
Yukari: All right. I should handle this without it.
Police officer 1: Hey, kids get out!

Police officer shout at Brian and Yukari, but Yukari is not listening. She runs to front of violently robots. And she shouts or hamming so loud something which Brian does not know. But he feel it kinda beautiful music. Then the robots stop moving peace.

Brian: Hey, Yu… Yukari?
Yukari: Am….

Yukari, collapses on the spot. Brian runs up to her.

Brian: Hey, Yukari? Yukari?
Yukari: I'm all right… Just an oxygen shorta…

Yukari faints away in Brian's arm.

Brian: So I got a large suitcase and a sleeping girl…

□■  8  ■□
He returns his home carrying Yukari's suitcase and supporting Yukari to walk.

Brian: Mom, I'm home! Huh, she seems to come back from work early today. Watch out, Yukari. There is a bump on the floor.

He walks to the kitchen and find some shadow of a person.

Brian: Mom, I met a girl and she needs… what a!?

The shadow he thought his mother is a man wearing a suit and glasses.

Agent BB: Hey kid, what are you doing!?
Brian: Aaaaah, thief!!! Yukari, run away!!
Yukari: どうしよう! Oh, my god, What should I do!?
Agent BB: Enough! I'm not a thief!
Brian: Really! Then what are you doing in my house?
Yukari: With the cheesy biscuits?

The man is holding the biscuits' box.

Agent BB: Amm, I'm not eating. I'm just checking these foods are safe. Actually, I'm an agent of the government. I'm the Great Agent BB, come from the NEXT. And this is the certificate of the NEXT. I'm investigating the kidnapper. So who are you kids, anyway?
Brian: I'm Brian Ryan. And this is Yukari Himeno.
Agent BB: Weird, do you ring a bell Kiichiro Himeno?
Yukari: Yes, I do, sir. He is my father.
Agent BB: I knew it! You, both of your fathers are kidnapped!
Brian & Yukari: What!?
Yukari: No way, he was fine yesterday in air port of Haneda!
Agent BB: Then he was kidnapped when you got on board the plane.
Brian: Wait a seconds, you are a really thief, aren't you? This whole story is full of doubt.
Agent BB: Oh really, then where's your dad yesterday.
Brian: Amm, I don't know. He didn't come back here and he didn't answer the phone yesterday.
Agent BB: Cuz he was kidnapped from his office. And do you know where the robot which looks like horn beetle is? I heard it's here.
Brian: Nope, I've never seen kinda robot here.
Yukari: You mean BTT, Beetle Type Terminal? I have half of it. I came here to deliver Mr. Ryan it.

Yukari shows them some robotic like a wrist watch.

Yukari: And Brian, I think your dad has the other part of it like this.

Yukari shows Brian the piece of plans.

Brian: It looks like uPod… Wait! It's the strange stuff! Oh-men, I guess I broke it. It shorted this afternoon.

Brian shows Yukari the strange stuff.

Yukari: Shorted? I don't think so, it must be self-defense. All right, please join its head to body.

Brian joins the thing like wrist watch to the strange stuff. The BTT stretches his arm and starts moving.

Brian: Awesome, so you saved my life from sniors, dude! This is the coolest robot ever!
Agent BB: Ok, it's time to go now. Brian, give me that. Ouch!!

Agent BB tries to touch the BTT, but it shoot him a little electric shock.

Brian: Oh, dude!?
Yukari: Are you all right, sir? But I don't get it. Why should you take it out? It's a plot type, sample for creators.
Agent BB: Cuz the NEXT needs the highest technology, even if plot type, ouch, when the creators are missing.
Brian: Hey, listen, robot buddy. Why are you so grumpy? I guess the guy so strange and still chewing some biscuits. But I think that is not so bad. You can save a lot of people like this afternoon on the ramp. You are a hero and… Hey, wait!!

The BTT runs away from Brian's arm and hides itself in somewhere.

Agent BB: Damn, it has gone! I must return to report my boss this.
Brian: Amm, Can it save my dad?
Agent BB: Yeah, I guess so. The kidnappers are related with kinda robotics.
Brian: Ok, I find it and bring you it, so you find my dad, deal?
Agent BB: Deal! If you find it, call this number.

□■  9  ■□
He gives Brian his phone number and leaves Brian's home. Then Brian's mother comes back home.

Mandy: Brian, I'm home! Oh, sweetie! Daddy is kidnapped! What an awful day! Amm, who is this beautiful black hair girl?
Yukari: I'm Yukari Himeno. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Ryan.
Brian: Her father is my dad's friend. And some agent came here. He told us about our dads. And amm, a robot ran away.
Mandy: Oh, poor dear! Do you wanna have some milk and biscuits?
Yukari: Amm, glass of milk, please. I guess biscuits are…
Brian: He ate whole biscuits in my house.

Mandy gives Yukari some glass of milk. And she turns on her stereo player. It starts playing the jazz music.

The BTT: Buzzzzz! Buzzzzz!
Brain: Hey, there you are! You and I must go to the NEXT tomorrow. Got it?

Brian finds the BTT behind the CD lack and he grabs it.

The BTT: Buzzzzz! Buzzzzz!
Yukari: I guess it likes this music.
Brian: Huh, weird but awesome! I call him Beat. Cuz he likes the drum beats and the word includes B and T!
Beat: Buzzzzz! Buzzzzz!

It is a few hours later in Brian's home.

Yukari: I guess it's time I leave.
Brian: You back to Japan?
Yukari: No, I'll stay my aunt's home. She work in Central University and lives near here. I guess she is worry about me. And if my dad do not come back, she will become my new guardian. Cuz I have no mom.
Brian: I'm sorry.
Yukari: It's ok. Don't mind that. I'm really glad the first my American friend is you. Thanks Brian. See you tomorrow!

Yukari blushes when she finishes talking with Brian. Then she leaves his home.

Brian: See yah…Oh, my god, I had a lot of questions to ask her!
Beat: Buzzzzz?
Brian: Never mind. Hmm, what a busy day today!

□■  10  ■□
In the morning, Brian opens his rocker of his school. And Yukari comes to see him.

Brian: Hi, Yukari. So you are my school mate now. How are you?
Yukari: I'm fine, thanks. And how's going, you and your little beetle?
Brian: We are fine. He stole my mp.3 data from my PC but it is fine. Then today, I'll take him to the NEXT. And after it, I'll go to Alan's home. He is my friend. So you wanna come?
Yukari: Sure, I'll go with you.
Brian: Great! And… you are not wearing the cloth today?
Yukari: You mean my Japanese school uniform I wore yesterday?
Brian: Yeah, the uniform looks cool. But today's cloth is as cool as it.
Yukari: (Giggling) Thanks!

□■  11  ■□
Brian and Yukari bring Beat to the NEXT's office. They meet Agent BB and his boss, Mr. Larner. He has an artificial left eye.

Mr. Larner: Hi, I'm Lanner, the leader of the NEXT. I'm glad to see you, Brian and Yukari. I heard about you from Bobby.
Brian: Nice to meet you, sir. So Agent BB means Agent Bob, I knew it! Then I bring Beat.
Mr. Larner: Wait, Brian. I have a something to tell you. We got the other robot from Canada. There is a large lab where one of the missing scientists worked. So you can keep it. And if you don't mind, could you help us to find your dad with the robot?
Brian: Seriously? It's so great but I'm a kid! And I don't know I can handle kinda agent stuff!
Mr. Larner: Don't worry we support you and the BTT has already installed all codes to bust evil viruses. And I think you and Beat can be good partner. So could you?
Yukari: I believe you can handle it, Brian.
Brian: Hmm, ok I try. It sounds weird but cool.
Mr. Larner: I appreciate, welcome our team, Brian!
Agent BB: (laughing) Yeah, "Agent little b"!
Brian: Pardon?
Agent BB: Don't mind. I'm just kidding.

A young woman wearing suite knocks the door and comes in the room.

Miss, Kincaid: Hey, Gab! You got a call! Oh, hi kids. So you are Brian and Yukari, aren't you? I'm Kincaid. Nice to meet you.
Brian: Nice to meet you. So GAB means the Great Agent Bob?
Kincaid: Absolutely, not. It's just "gab". He is a good guy but too much chatting.
Agent BB: Grrr…I hate her.
Brian & Kincaid: (Laughting)

Agent BB and Miss. Kinkaid leave the room.

Mr. Larner: I must talk you about the NEXT. "NEXT" means "Network Emergency eXtra Troops". So we must solve the trouble about high technology or network system as a governmental agent. And the kidnappers which kidnapped your fathers are called TERA. It's related the lost technology of world war two. But we lack the information. Now our mission is to get the information about TERA and save people from them with the BTT.
The BTT 02: Buzzzzz!

The other robot is on Mr. Laner's shoulder.

Brian: So is that brother of Beat?
Mr. Larner: Yes, it is.
Brian: And what is his name?
Mr. Larner: No idea. Do you have any idea of it like Beat?
Brian: How about Fokker or Red Baron? Cuz his color is red.
Mr. Larner: You mean Fokker Dr.1 called the Red Baron? Hmm, cool!
Yukari: Nice to meet you, Baron.
Fokker: Buzzzzz!
Mr. Larner: Oh, it's time now, I have a meeting. So I'll send you e-mail by the BTT. Thanks for coming, Brian and Yukari.
Brian: No at all, sir. I'm glad to talk with you.

□■  12  ■□
Brian and Yukari leave the NEXT's office. And they arrive at Alan's home. There is a cat named Melody.

Alan: Welcome my home, Yukari. Nice to meet you.
Yukari: Nice to meet you too, Alan. And do you keep a cat? I love cats. What's her name?
Alan: She is Melody, my sister's cat.
Yukari: Nice to meet you, Melody. You are so cute! And I heard about you from Brian. You are a great drummer and you manage websites.
Alan: I has just Itube and Blog. If you are interested in them, you can check them out from this address.
Yukari: Thanks. And do you have a website either, Brian?
Brian: Amm, actually, I had. But it deleted by Itube.
Alan: Cuz He uploaded Ninja Rider's seson02 and it infringed a copyright. So now I upload his video either.
Yukari & Alan: (Laughing)
Alan: So she is the girl you talk this morning?
Brian: Yeah, she has a beautiful voice and defeated the violently robots yesterday. And I guess she can sing a song well. Amm, Yukari, could you sing something for us?
Yukari: No way, I cannot sing! I'm too shy to do it!
Brian: Really?
Yukari: Yeah, I'm very weak in music!
Alan: Ok, we are fine.
Brian: But…
Alan: Just wait for the miracle. If she is a natural born singer, I mean she loves singing, she will start.

Alan turns on his CD player. It stars playing music softly. And the cat start mewing like singing.

Yukari: (Singing Kitty's song)

- Lyrics of the song -
You scratch blind, you bring sunrise
You sing with little birds every morning

There is everything for you except wings
Don't afraid you can play with sky and shine

Light steps, Tinny foots
You are my little kitty

Winds blow Tree, it makes shade
Flowers start dance to your breathing

There is music for you softly like lullabies.
Close your eyes you can dream winds and leaves

Golden eyes, Black long tail
Let's go, my beautiful kitty

Light steps, Tinny foots
You are my little kitty

Brian: Yukari, you are incredible!
Alan: Yeah, perfect! I definitely upload this!
Brian & Yukari: What!?
Brian: Hey, were you recording it?
Alan: Of course.
Yukari: Oh my god!
Brian: I sometimes cannot stop thinking he is a ninja!

Hi, it's me, Brian again. So I made friends with an Again girl, some agents with a biscuits monster, I mean he is one of the agents either, and great robot buddy called Beat! Then Beat, Yukari, Alan and I start busting evil viruses. And we make our band called Nyx. I'm not sure but Alan said it's the name of an asteroid. And people never know it has other meaning, except us. NYX means the Next's Yung agents.
Anyway I like both lives, the local musician and the governmental agent. And I'll save my dad.